Cloud computing provides us means of accessing the applications as utilities over the internet. 

It allows us to create, configure and customize the application online.


 The term cloud refers to a Network or Internet.

In other words, We can say that Cloud is something, which is present at remote location.

Cloud can provide services over public and private networks, i.e. WAN, LAN or VPN.

Applications such as e-mail, web conferencing, customer relationship management (CRM) execute on cloud.


 Cloud computing refers to manipulating, configuring and accessing the hardware and software resources remotely.

It offers online data storage, infrastructure and application.

Cloud computing offers platform independency as the software is not required to be installed locally on the PC.

Hence, the cloud computing is making our business applications mobile and collaborative.


There are certain services and models working behind the scene making the cloud computing feasible and accessible to end users.

Following are the working models for cloud computing:

* Deployment Models           * Service Models


Deployment models define the type of access to the cloud i.e. how the cloud is located? 

Cloud can have any of the four types of access: Public, Private, Hybrid and community.

Deployment model focuses on both of the strategy phase and planning phase.

It involves the following two steps:



This step includes selecting a cloud provider on basis of Service level agreement(SLA), which defines the level of service the provider will meet.



 Maintenance and Technical services are provided by the cloud provider. They need to ensure the quality of services.





The public cloud allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. 

Public cloud may be less secure because of its openness.

The IT giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft offer cloud services via Internet.

In public cloud model, Data is hosted off-site and resources are shared publicly, therefore does not ensure higher level security.

The public cloud model is shown in the diagram below:



 * Cost effective

* Location Independence

* Flexibility



* Less customization

* Low security




There are many benefits of deploying cloud as public cloud model. 

The following diagram shows some of these benefits:



Since public cloud shares same resources with large number of customers it turns out inexpensive.


The public cloud employs large number of resources from different locations.

If any of the resources fail, public cloud can employ another one.


The public cloud can smoothly integrate with private cloud, which gives customers a flexible approach.


Public cloud services are delivered through Internet, ensuring location independence.


 Public cloud is also based on pay-per-use model and resources are accessible whenever customer needs them.


Cloud resources are made available on demand from a pool of resources, i.e. they can be scaled up or down according the requirements.



 The private cloud allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization.

It is more secured because of its private nature.

The private cloud is operated only within a single organization. 

However, It may be managed internally by the organization itself or by third party. 

It is difficult to deploy globally.

Purchasing new hardware in order to fulfill the demand is a costly transaction.(High priced)

The private cloud can be scaled only with in capacity of internal hosted resources.(Limited Scalability)

In order to maintain cloud deployment, organization require skilled expertise.

The private cloud model shown in the diagram below:


* More Control

* Improve Performance

 * Security and privacy



*  High Cost

* Restricted area of operation

* Limited scalability

* Skilled people


There are many benefits of deploying cloud as Private cloud model. 

The following diagram shows some of those benefits:



 Private cloud operations are not available to general public and resources are shared from distinct pool of resources. Therefore, it ensures high security and privacy.


 The private cloud has more control on its resources and hardware than public cloud because it is accessed only within organization.


 The private cloud resources are not as cost effective as resources in public clouds but they offer more efficiency then public cloud resources.


The community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of organizations.

It shares the infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community. 

It may be managed internally by organization or by the third party.

Since all data is located at one place, one must be careful in storing data in community cloud because it might be accessible to others.

It is also challenging to allocate responsibilities of governance, security and cost among organizations.

The private cloud model shown in the diagram below:



 * Flexible and scalable

* Secure

* Sharable Infrastructure 


* Sharing resources within organization is little difficult

* Fixed amount of resources are shared between community member



The following diagram shows some of those benefits: 


 Community cloud offers same advantages as that of private cloud at low cost.


Community cloud provides an infrastructure to share cloud resources and capabilities among several organizations.


The community cloud is comparatively more secure than the public cloud but less secured than the private cloud.


The hybrid cloud is a mixture of public and private cloud, in which the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.

The hybrid cloud model is dependent on internal IT infrastructure, therefore it is necessary to ensure redundancy across data centers. 

Networking becomes complex due to presence of private and public cloud (networking issues).

It is necessary to ensure that cloud services are compliant with security policies of the organization.

The hybrid cloud model shown in the diagram below:



* Flexible and secure

* Cost Effective

* Security



* Network Issues

* Infrastructure compatibility



The following diagram shows some of those benefits:


It offers features of both, the public and private cloud scalability.


It offers secure resources and scalable public resources.


Public clouds are more cost effective than private ones. Therefore, Hybrid cloud can be cost saving.


 The private cloud in hybrid cloud ensures higher degree of security.


                                                        GRID COMPUTING


Introduction to Grid Computing 

Definition in brief 

History and Evaluation 

Classification and Architecture 

Real-time application 






What is Grid Computing ? 

Actually Grid Computing is a network in which there are many computers and they can share their resources with each other using this network. They can share Process power, memory, data storage and many more resources over the internet.



Grid Computing is a computer network in which computer’s resorces are shared with every other computer in the system.
It is distributed architecture of large numbers of computers connected to solve a complex problem.
In the grid computing model, servers and personal computers run independent tasks and are loosely linked by the internet or low speed networks.
It is special kind of distributed computing.
In distributed computing, different computers within the same network share one or more resources.
In the ideal grid computing system, every resource is shared, turning a computer network into a powerful supercomputer.
With the right user interface, accessing a grid computing system would look no different than accessing a local machine’s resources.
Every authorized computer would have access to enormous processing power and storage capacity.


The ma objective of Grid Computing is to create a network which is very comfort to share their resources with every other computer, as a result all computer can work on a task together as a unit.


 Another objective is, By using grid computing a large numbers of file can be distributed evenly to all the systems that is connected to this network


 Grid computing is used in 

Telecommunication Organization

Government Offices

Multinational Companies

Financial Organizations Etc..



At least one Computer and a server for controlling the whole system.
A set of computer on this Grid computing network.
A collection of computer software. Those software are called middleware.


Grid computing work

 From previous topic we know about Grid Computing and its network. Every computer can share their resource by using some middleware and internet. An central computer and a server control whole the system and their sharing process.

In this way no computer remain idle because they share their tasks with all other computers. On the other hand they works together like a supercomputer. As a result it is easy to complete a task.

Grid Architecture 

A grid architecture is the highest level description of the complete grid, and is a key tool to help understand and define the many complex interactions that exist in present and future grids. But in there we want to describe a basic information about Grid Architecture.

Fundamental units of Grid Architecture: 

 Hardware: A Grid depends on some hardware like computers and networks. 

 Middleware: It is works like a “glue” between operating system software and application software.

Working Layers 

 Application layer: This is the height layer of the structure of Grid Architecture. Collective, Resource, Connectivity parts are include here.

  Resource layer: Below the Application layer, there is a resource layer. All kind of resources are connected to the network. 

 Network layer: This is the lasts layer which connects Grid resources.


 It can solve larger and complex problems in a short time. 

 No computer be idle in this system. 

 Unit works makes all computer like a super computer. 

 Make batter uses of hardware. 


 Large resource distribution is more complex. 

 Need for interoperability when different groups want to share resource. 

 Non-interactive job submission. 



From this presentation we know about Gird computing. We also know about how it works, its architecture and working layer of a Grid. 

It has some advantages and disadvantages that we know from previous slide. 

Moreover we can say that Grid Computing can make a complex task easy and reliable.



Grid Definition 

 A Grid is "a set of information resources (computers, databases, networks, instruments, etc.) that are integrated to provide users with tools and applications that treat those resources as components within a 'virtual' system". 

 Grid software solutions provide the underlying mechanisms necessary to create such systems, including authentication and authorization, resource discovery, resource management, communications, and information services, etc.


 What is Grid Computing? 

 Grid computing is the collection of computer resources from multiple locations to reach a common goal. 

* Characteristics of a Grid: 

No centralized control center 

Heterogeneity (of resources) 


Dynamic and Adaptable 


 How do grid works? 

 Grids use networks to link the computing resources of many different computers. 

 The cyber-glue that binds all of these resources together is called “middleware.” There are many different types of middleware, developed for many different types of grid. 

 Middleware does all the work to connect users’ jobs to computing resources, thereby hiding the grid’s complexity from the user. 


 Why do we need Grids? 

 Grids allow you to combine the resources of hundreds of computers to create a massively powerful, fully comprehensive computing resource, all accessible from the comfort of your own personal computer. 

 This means grids can react quickly to changing needs: a tremendous resource for crisis situations like natural disasters or epidemics. 


Why it is called as Grid?

The idea is that in the future, plugging into a computing grid will be as simple as plugging into an electrical grid. And, like an electrical grid, users will simply plug in and use as much computing power as they need, without knowing where it comes from or how it was produced; you will simply plug in and use as much as you need. 


A typical view of Grid Environment

USER: A User sends computation or data intensive application to Global Grids in order to speed up the execution of the application. 

RESOURCE BROKER: A Resource Broker distribute the jobs in an application to the Grid resources based on user’s QoS requirements and details of available Grid resources for further executions. 

GRID RESOURCES: Grid Resources (Cluster, PC, Supercomputer, database, instruments, etc.) in the Global Grid execute the user jobs. 

GRID INFORMATION SERVICE: Grid Information Service system collects the details of the available Grid resources and passes the information to the resource broker. Computation result Computational jobs Processed jobs


  Introduction to Grid Architecture 

 Grid’s protocols allow VO users and resources to negotiate, establish, manage and exploit sharing relationships. 

 Interoperability a fundamental concern 

 The protocols are critical to interoperability 

 Services are important 

We need to consider APIs and SDKs 

VO: Virtual Organization 


 Introduction to Grid Architecture 

 The components are 

* numerous 

* owned and managed by different, potentially mutually distrustful organisations and individuals 

 * may be potentially faulty 

 * have different security requirements and policies 

 * heterogeneous 

 * connected by heterogeneous, multilevel networks 

 * have different resource management policies 

 * are likely to be geographically separated 


 Grid Architecture 

Autonomous, globally distributed computers/clusters 


 Layered Grid Architecture (By Analogy to internet Architecture)

“Coordinating multiple resources”: ubiquitous infrastructure services, app-specific distributed services 

“Sharing single resources”: Resource negotiating access, controlling use 

“Talking to things”: communication Connectivity (Internet protocols) & security 

“Controlling things locally”: Access Fabric to, & control of, resources 


  History and Evolution of Grid 



History and Evolution of Grid 

Early to mid 90s: numerous research projects on distributed computing 

The term grid computing originated in the early 1990s as a metaphor for making computer power as easy to access as an electric power grid. The power grid metaphor for accessible computing quickly became canonical when Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman published their seminal work, "The Grid: Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure 


 History and Evolution of Grid 

1995, I-Way 

* IEEE/ACM 1995 Super Computing (San Diego), 11 high speed networks used to connect 17 sites to create one super meta-computer 

* Foster, Nature, 12/2002 

1996, Globus project started (ANL & USC) 

* Followed I-Way 

1997, Unicore (Germany) 


 Method of GRID Computing

Distributed Supercomputing 

High-Throughput Computing 

On-Demand Computing 

Data-Intensive Computing 

Collaborative Computing 

Logistical Networking 


 Criteria for a Grid: 

Coordinates resources that are not subject to centralized control. 

Uses standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces. 

Delivers nontrivial qualities of service. 


* Exploit Underutilized resources 

* Resource load Balancing 

* Virtualize resources across an enterprise 

* Data Grids, Compute Grids 

* Enable collaboration for virtual organizations



* Computational Service 

 • Inherent part of ALL applications 

* Data Service 

• Scalable storage and access to distributed datasets 

Application Service 

• Example: like web services 

Information Service 

• Example: WWW portal 

Knowledge Service 

• Example: data mining 



Resource Sharing: P2P, Web Services, Grids  

Information Sharing: WWW, HTTP, HTML 

Communications and Data Sharing: Email, ftp, telnet, TCP/IP 

 Networking ARPANET 

Real Time Implementation

- It extends the notions of computational and data grids. 

- A Grid should provide the interfaces, libraries, utilities, and programming APIs to support the development effort required. 

- Common tools and libraries for building Grid applications includes 

* High Performance C++ (HPC++) 

- the Message Passing Interface (MPI). 

- Access to any resources, for anyone, anywhere, anytime, from any platform – portal (super) computing. 



Can solve larger, more complex problems in a shorter time 

Easier to collaborate with other organizations 

Make better use of existing hardware 



Grid software and standards are still evolving 

Learning curve to get started 

Non-interactive job submission



Characteristics of a grid relevant to middleware 

Common design methodologies in grid middleware 

Grid Services and open standardization 

New and existing middleware systems are beginning to adopt core grid middleware to become easily ‘grid-enhanced’ 







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